Please wait, we are getting your files ready.
Turbo Engine
High Res Engine
0/250 chars used
Error, Please try again later
Advanced Settings v2
V2 - If voice and text are not updated, we will not charge for characters.

Voice Volume


Voice Speed


Voice Pitch


Voice Volume


Voice Speed


Voice Pitch


Voice Volume

Voice Speed

Voice Pitch

Dry Wet100%

Audio Settings

MP3 - 48000Hz Change

Trusted by 1000+ well-known brands

Create audio files for your commercial use

Voicemaker allows you to redistribute your generated audio files even after your subscription expires.

Audiobooks & Podcast

Youtube videos

E-learning material

Sales & Social media videos

Public use and brodcasting

Web & Mobile Application

Call Centers & IVR System

Share audio across multiple platforms

The converted audio files can be shared on any platform worldwide.

Voicemaker is

Industry-leading features that help us grow fast

Voicemaker is AI-based Online Text to Speech converter website that helps content providers, video creators, podcasters, writters to get an automated human like voiceovers.

180M +

Every day, text characters are converted into voiceovers.

3M +

Registered users from over 120 countries worldwide.

Discover how voice-over transforms words into human-sounding voices.

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