Competitor ResearchCompetitor Research

Competitor Research screenshot
Free Version

updated at: May 2024

AI tool to help companies track their competitors.

Competitor Research keeps you ahead of the game by monitoring your rivals’ websites and social media. Get instant alerts on changes, track updates with AI-driven screenshots, and stay informed on your competitor's activity across platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn and many more. Competitor research can be applied in several ways, such as monitoring changes on competitors’ webpages.

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Competitor Research's Pricing Plans

Competitor Research may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

Competitor Research Pricing Plans


For teams with limited competition.


Per Month

  • 1 competitor
  • Up to 3 tracked pages
  • Weekly snapshots
  • Weekly email updates

Premium - Billed Annually

For larger teams with more competition.


Per Month

  • Up to 10 competitors
  • Up to 50 tracked pages
  • Daily snapshots
  • Daily email updates
  • AI summary
  • Dedicated support

Premium - Billed Monthly

For larger teams with more competition.


Per Month

  • Up to 10 competitors
  • Up to 50 tracked pages
  • Daily snapshots
  • Daily email updates
  • AI summary
  • Dedicated support
  • 20% Off on yearly plan

Alternatives AI applications for Competitor Research