
Quizwhiz screenshot

updated at: November 2023

Quizwhiz - Generate Multiple-choice Questions From Any Text

QuizWhiz is an AI-powered app that takes in text, either as Input Text or Pdf File upload, and generates Multiple-choice Questions and Answers from it. It is intented to help teachers create quizzes and exams for their students.

Application owner? Visit here

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Quizwhiz's Pricing Plans

Quizwhiz may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

Pricing Plan Name


Suitable for individuals getting started.


  • Free 20 Runs.


Suitable for users with basic requirements.



  • Upto 1000 Runs per month.


Suitable for advanced users and institutions.



  • Upto 5000 Runs per month.

Alternatives AI applications for Quizwhiz