
Wallpaperee screenshot

updated at: February 2024

Create mobile AI wallpapers with your name

Create photorealistic wallpapers out of your name. Ever imagined your name sizzling in intense flames? We got you, drop it like it''s hot! Or maybe you''re more of an ice-crystal queen or king? Your name can sparkle in frosty ice. So come on, make it lit! 🔥

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Wallpaperee's Pricing Plans

Wallpaperee may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

Wallpaperee Pricing Plans


Set of 100 Wallpapers


One time Payment

  • Your Own Name
  • 100 Wallpapers
  • 1 Style
  • Any Color
  • Optimised for Mobile


Set of 10 Wallpapers


One time Payment

  • Your Own Name
  • 10 Wallpapers
  • 1 Style
  • Any Color
  • Optimised for Mobile

Alternatives AI applications for Wallpaperee