
ScreenApp screenshot
Free Version

updated at: November 2023

Online Screen Recorder - The Fastest and Most Efficient Way to Record Your Screen and Extract Powerful Insights, Share and Summarize.

With just a few clicks, you can record your screen, transcribe it and transform your content into valuable knowledge. Say goodbye to tedious note-taking and hello to productivity. Try ScreenApp today and revolutionize the way you learn and work

Application owner? Visit here

ScreenApp's Pricing Plans

ScreenApp may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

Simple, Transparent Pricing (Annual plan saves ~20%)


For Individuals - Perfect for recording and storing personal videos.



  • Up to 100 Videos
  • Downloads
  • Transcriptions
  • 20 ChatGPT Prompts /mo


For Teams - Perfect for teams and businesses for powerful screen recording and AI



  • Up to 1000 Videos
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Premium support
  • 100 ChatGPT Prompts /mo


For Enterprises - Host ScreenApp locally on your own servers an control your security.


  • Self Hosted
  • Code Components
  • Platform SDK and Plugin
  • Whitelabeled

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